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I'm Back... Still the Same Me, only a Better One

When was my last post? October? Oh no! Seriously? That long? Geeeeessh! A lot of things happened in the last few months. Some trials came, and up to now, I am still trying to "fix" things, yeah, a LOT of things. Did I just hear you ask whats the fuss about? Only a handful of my chosen friends know about it. Shhhhh....While I'm in the midst of a battlefield, let me try writing another entry. I'm back to the online mode!

Okay, so, since October, what has changed?

Um..... I discovered a new side of me: I am spiritual! I have never expected that I could trust God this much. I'll be telling you more about this in the next few months (that is, if I don't get plagued with laziness and more trials). 
What else?

Oh, now, I am 20 lbs lighter. Yehey! I'm still way too far from my target weight, but, at least I'm moving. As what they say "slowly, but surely".

Another physical change in me: I grew darker. A lot of people have noticed it, and they all thought I went on a beach vacation. How I wish I had the luxury to do so. Bianca Gonzales, Bubbles Paraiso, Angel Aquino, Tweety de Leon - I love their skin tone. Now, I feel prettier because of this!

I remembered a classmate of mine who once said "Sabi ng ate ko, maswerte daw ako at maputi ako, kung hindi, ang pangit ko daw" (My older sister told me I'm lucky to have a fair complexion, otherwise, I'd be ugly). Another classmate is too obsessed with whitening products. Ages ago, it was through her that I got to know what Glutathione is. Ooops.... Don't get me wrong, I'm not against women who want to have a fairer complexion. By all means, they can do whatever they want with their self. It's just that, personally, I am happy and contented with my color.

These are some of the few things that have changed in me:

What I Do:
I start my day doing my bathroom rituals praying, smiling, drinking water, and having breakfast. Yeah, I still do my bathroom rituals OF COURSE but only after I have finished the things I mentioned earlier.

The Catch:
I get to spend more time communicating with God.

I get to have a better, brighter, and more promising day.

I get to develop a more positive outlook about the challenges that I am about to face.

What I Do:
I take a cab the jeepney and walk for a few meters on my way to the train station from my house to my workplace.

The Catch:
I get to enjoy the feeling of the gentle rays of the morning sun kissing my Vitamin D-thirsty skin.

I get to shed off a few pounds from walking which makes me healthier.

I get to experience the thrill and excitement of running after the train, bumping and pushing my fellow passengers aside. And I get to see how far can I stretch my patience!

I get to save PhP 130 a day --> PhP 130 a day x 5 days a week x 4 weeks a month x 12 months a year = PhP 31,200 savings in a year! 

I get the chance to smile at a lot of people - the jeepney driver, the passenger sitting beside me in the jeep who would pass on my fare to the driver, the train ticket vendor, the security guard, the old lady whom I offered my seat to.

What I Do:
My weekday schedule comprises of being at home, then in the office, and way back home to a Church depending on what day it is: Mondays are for SJB, Tuesdays are for LoM, Wednesdays are for Baclaran, Thursdays are for St. Padre Pio, Fridays are for Quiapo.

The Catch:
I get to enhance my spiritual relationship with God.

I get to expose myself to the less fortunate, which makes me realize that I should be thankful for a lot of things in my life.

I get the chance to reach out to others - the Sampaguita vendors (oh, you should see how big their smile is just by the glimpse of me), the little boy who is constantly happy with the 5-peso coin that I give, the old man who'd always say "Pagpalain ka anak ng Diyos" (May God bless you) after I hand him a 20-peso bill.

I get to enjoy eating street foods again. Never mind the calories, I burn it by walking anyway.

What I Do:
My weekend schedule consists of lazing around the house, filling up my tummy with junk foods, sleeping and sleeping and sleeping staying at my SOON-to-be family in-laws' place.

The Catch:
I get to spend quality time with Milan's parents participating in the Holy Mass.

I get to spend quality time with Nanay by having a long walk with her while exchanging stories and gossips on our way to the wet market for our weekend meals. Sometimes, we would even make side trips to the nearby rice fields. Oh, nothing beats the happiness from trying to balance myself on the rice paddy while laughing with her!

I get to spend quality time with Tatay by sitting on the front yard with him, while enjoying a good book or checking my emails. There are some days when Tatay would even teach me on how to do basic carpentry works, or electrical stuff. Hahaha!

I get to spend quality time with Milan's brothers who would silently praise me for the meals that I cook. "Silently" because they wouldn't verbally say that they enjoyed the food, but, they would hungrily devour on everything that I prepared, leaving not even a single grain of rice on their plates! Now I finally understand the happiness that chefs feel when their clients finish up the meals that they prepare.

What I Do:
I end my day binging on a heavy meal, tiring my eyes surfing useless and senseless websites until I get sleepy having a light meal, meditating, praying, thanking God for all the blessings I have received for the day, assessing the difficulties I experienced and analyzing ways on how to handle them better next time. 

The Catch:
I get to have a heart-to-heart talk with God (and HE constantly reminds me how much HE loves me).

I get to RELAX, thus, have a restful sleep. Goodbye insomnia and late mornings!

I get to be more composed and have a clear thought in facing challenges.

Despite the things that I decided to change, I still am the same old ME, but this time, only a BETTER one!


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